Jeffrey Fermin
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Which Came First: The Time Estimate or the Time-Suck?
Forecasting the amount of time to allow for a project can be an exercise in futility.
Why Being the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Essential Goal
Make it your business to know a little bit about a lot of things, and a lot about the most important things.
3 Steps to Reinventing Yourself as an Entrepreneur
Becoming a healthier person is the best start to becoming a better entrepreneur.
Fancy Perks Won't Get You Top Talent
Startups are focusing on the wrong things to keep their employees motivated.
How Poor Management Creates Zombie Employees (Infographic)
They're disengaged, bored and bad at what they do. Are they eating away at your company?
Don't Be Afraid to Reinvent the Wheel
It's easy to feel like everything is already set and there's no room for innovation. Don't believe it.
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