Jenny Wood
Jenny Wood is the author of Wild Courage: Go After What You Want and Get It. She’s a former Google executive, founder of Google’s Own Your Career program, speaker, writer, mom, and pilot. She earned her B.A. in Economics & International Business at Brandeis and was a research associate at Harvard Business School. She lives in Boulder with her husband and their two kids.
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Did Your Company Just Go Through A Reorg? Here's How to Thrive In It
Just follow the R.E.O.R.G method. It stands for React, Evaluate, Overinvest, Resist, and Grow.
¿Su empresa acaba de pasar por una reorganización? Aquí está cómo prosperar en él
Simplemente siga el método REORG. Significa Reaccionar, Evaluar, Sobreinvertir, Resistir y Crecer.
Should You Wait To Get A Promotion, Or Make A Lateral Move Inside Your Company?
To find out, use the P.R.O.M.O. method.
¿Debe esperar para obtener una promoción o hacer un movimiento lateral dentro de su empresa?
Para averiguarlo, utilice el método PROMO.
4 Signs That It's Time to Change Jobs
When should you look for a new role? Use the FLIP method to find out.
4 señales de que es hora de cambiar de trabajo
¿Cuándo debería buscar un nuevo puesto? Utilice el método FLIP para averiguarlo.
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