Joanna Nurmi


Joanna Nurmi, FCCA, CIA, is a burnout coach and advisor. Thanks to her experience working as a financial auditor across Europe, she understands the pressures and dilemmas that many of us face every day. To work together, please visit

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¿Preocupado por el agotamiento de un compañero de trabajo? Así es cómo puedes abordar el tema de manera segura y con tacto

El agotamiento o burnout afecta la mentalidad de una persona y su percepción de los eventos, lo que resulta en comportamientos inusuales, como arrebatos de ira o retraimiento.


Concerned About a Coworker's Burnout? Here's How to Approach the Topic Safely and Tactfully

Burnout affects a person's mindset and perception of events, resulting in uncharacteristic behavior, such as temper tantrums or withdrawal.

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If Your Leadership Style Is Ever Judged By Others, Here's 8 Things You Should Do

How to short-circuit defensiveness and resentment and instead accept and apply tough input for the betterment of your company, and yourself.


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