John Boitnott: Page 6

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP


John Boitnott is a longtime digital media consultant and journalist living in San Francisco. He's written for Venturebeat, USA Today and FastCompany.

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Latest: Page 6

Thought Leaders

Feeling Burned Out? Maybe You're Not Being Selfish Enough With Your Time

Feeling burned out isn't just for founders who work absurdly long hours. It can also happen to other company leaders and managers whose attention and energy get pulled in every direction.


6 Ways to Determine if Your Content Marketing Team is Delivering Results

The key is in knowing your marketing goals and whether you've reached them.


Este tipo de reunión debería estar en la agenda mensual de todas las empresas

Un ayuntamiento regular no solo mantiene a todos informados sobre su resultado final, sino que es una oportunidad especial para hacer que los empleados se sientan valorados y cercanos entre sí.


This One Type of Meeting Should Be on Every Company's Monthly Agenda

A regular town hall not only keeps everyone in the loop about your bottom line, but it's a special opportunity to make employees feel valued and close to each other.

Thought Leaders

7 Easy Habits That Will Make Your Business More Sustainable (And Save You Money)

Making sustainability integral to your startup won't happen overnight. But there are some easy things you can incorporate, and some bigger projects that can come later.


7 hábitos fáciles que harán que su negocio sea más sostenible (y le ahorrarán dinero)

Hacer que la sustentabilidad sea parte integral de su puesta en marcha no sucederá de la noche a la mañana. Pero hay algunas cosas fáciles que puede incorporar y algunos proyectos más grandes que pueden venir más adelante.