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Business News

Reducing Hiring Time and Speeding Up the Hiring Process

A key metric of recruitment success is time to hire. You will become more competitive in the market if you are able to achieve tighter hiring standards without sacrificing the...

Business News

11 Ways to Celebrate National Entrepreneurship Month

Our society has relied on the concept of entrepreneurship for thousands of years, bringing innovations to the world and building economies. The entrepreneurial spirit has become a key component of...

Business News

Hiring Scheduling

Business leaders and managers often have a hard time creating employee schedules that satisfy everyone. It is especially challenging for managers to create a weekly schedule for new hires. Successfully...

Business News

Recruiting Calendar

A recruiter's time is limited between phone screens, attending recruiting events, preparing candidates for interviews, and sourcing new candidates, and because of this, having a recruiting process is essential. And...

Business News

How to Reduce Workload and Avoid Stress at Work

Imagine it's Friday night, and everyone except you has gone home. Despite being exhausted, you keep telling yourself, “30 more minutes.” Suddenly, two more hours have passed, and you've put...

Business News

October is Ergonomics Month

An environment that is safe and healthy contributes to the productivity of the workplace. I want my employees to always remember to take care of ergonomics — it's important! In...