Judy Sutton Taylor

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Starting a Business

This Shaving Strop Makes Razors Last Longer

A part-time singer's company provides a stylish way to save money


What to Do When Your Funding Vanishes

Enthusiastic public announcements aside, sometimes the check doesn't arrive as promised. So put down that champagne and heed the advice of entrepreneurs who've dealt with the disappointment of disappearing capital.

Starting a Business

How a New York Storefront Points Out the Joy of the Pencil

CW Pencil has the write stuff.

Growing a Business

4 Tips for Launching Your Fashion Company

A veteran clothing designer gives custom advice to fashion 'treps.

Business Ideas

College Entrepreneur Creates App to Sync Music With Running Speed

Michigan State University students created TempoRun, an app that helps users run at their ideal pace by categorizing the music in their libraries from walking to 10 sprinting.

Business Ideas

A Startup Aims to Fill a Hole in the Housekeeping Market

A trio of ad execs launches a line of air fresheners for modern men.

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