Ken Dunn: Page 3


From his original days in police investigation and interrogation, Ken developed a fascination with the human subconscious. Ken now teaches entrepreneurs to build coaching business in the new Knowledge Brokering industry. He has helped hundreds to build six-to-seven-figure coaching businesses.

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Thought Leaders

3 Reasons to Thank Your Critics

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Here's why.


Achieve Your Dream of Best-Seller Status With These 4 C's

Focus on content, cover, credentials and community -- and your book will sell itself.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Take the Vanity Out of Your Non-Fiction Book

No one wants to hear about how you struggled with adversity and came out on top without learning some lessons along the way.

Starting a Business

Want Success? All You Have to Do Is Dream -- and Organize, Validate and Execute.

Use the D.O.V.E technique, and watch your great idea transform into a viable business for the long term.

Social Media

Want Clients to Know You Before a Pitch? Write a Book.

Being an author can help you expand your network of customers by making you an authority on a topic.