Kevin Maney

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Business News

His Space

MySpace CEO Chris DeWolfe talks about why he thinks he has a better business than Facebook and what it's like to work for Rupert Murdoch.

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25 Innovators in Technology

They're changing the way we do business (and not always for the better). Don't miss features on Twitter CEO Evan Williams, Google's gambit with the power grid, and an essay about CEO Steve Jobs' leave of absence from Apple.

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Why America's favorite gadget is doomed.

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One Billion Laptops

What began as a do-gooder effort in the Third World has quietly become cutthroat competition. Now one firm, Intel, has broken ranks with other behemoths trying to develop technology that is both affordable to buy and build.

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Masters of Invention

We rounded up the world's most prolific inventors alive-three of them have more patents than Thomas Edison-and asked them the big question: Where do the big ideas come from?

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The Laser's Edge

It's the coolest toy you can't get-yet. Researchers are working on movie projectors so tiny they can fit in your cell phone.

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