Kimanzi Constable: Page 6


Kimanzi Constable is an author of four books and has been published in over 80 publications and magazines. He is the co-founder of Results Global Impact Consulting. He teaches businesses modern content strategies. Join him at RGIC.

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Latest: Page 6

Thought Leaders

If You Think Success Is Nothing But Fun You Need to Understand This About Critics

Success needs to be its own reward because, guaranteed, not everybody is going to love you.

Business Ideas

Instead of Settling for an Online Business Build a Lifestyle Business

A lifestyle business is about achieving all your life goals. Money is a big part of it but far from all of it.

Growing a Business

Make Saying 'No' More Often Your New Year's Resolution

When you stop promising to do everything and anything other people want, your own goals become more attainable.

Health & Wellness

How My Weight Is Hurting My Business

My weight has affected my life and hurt my business. I am not the only entrepreneur dealing with this.


5 Important Resolutions That Grow Your Business and 10x Your Life

Growth in life and business feels messy at times but push through. You'll be proud of the result.


This Kind of Romantic Relationship Helps Build Your Business

One way or another, romantic relationships have a profound effect on every area of your life.