Larry Alton: Page 4


Larry Alton is an independent business consultant specializing in social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Latest: Page 4


Don't Skimp on Trademark Protection for Your New Brand

Sitting down with a trademark attorney is perhaps the least thrilling part of launching a startup. Do it anyway.

Operations & Logistics

5 Scenarios Where Panic Can Destroy Your Startup

Missed a deadline? Lost an important client? Facing an unexpected competitor? Stay calm and react with a plan.

Business Ideas

5 Reasons Why a Good Business Idea Is Never Enough to Succeed

Your idea may look great on paper, but boy oh boy do things change -- and they will.


5 Traits of the Most Productive Startup Teams

Building a team to successfully bring that crucial first product to market requires intuition, common sense and patience.

Making a Change

The 5 Motivations That Drive People to Choose Entrepreneurship

You can make a lot of money as an entrepreneur, but you are more likely to go broke. For some people, that combination is irresistible.

Business Plans

5 Common Business Plan Mistakes That Torpedo Startups

Your business plan isn't a romance novel, so don't depend on just your passion to get investors interested in reading it.