Liz Kislik


Liz Kislik is a management consultant and business coach. She helps businesses solve their thorniest problems while strengthening their top and bottom lines. She writes for Harvard Business Review and spoke at TEDxBaylorSchool on "Why There’s So Much Conflict at Work and What You Can Do to Fix It."

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Thought Leaders

How to Prepare for an Unexpected, Unwanted and Unwelcome Business Setback

Experiencing a setback is a hassle no entrepreneur needs. But you can get value from someone else's painful experience and take straightforward steps to reduce your risk.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How to Make Your Team Feel Safe Bringing You Problems

Advertising an 'open door' isn't enough.Team members need to truly believe that you'll hear them out and take action.


3 Smart Investments to Help You Retain Millennial Employees

So many millennials seem to leave in a year or two, taking your investment in training and development with them. Here's what to do to keep them engaged.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

5 Things to Do When an Employee's Performance Deteriorates

It can be confusing and frustrating when a successful employee's performance takes a nosedive. Intervene effectively using these five steps.


4 Mistakes to Avoid When You Have to Deliver Bad News

There will always be tough things that need to be shared with your staff. If you stay away from these common communication errors, even bad news will be easier to accept.


How to Plan for Succession When There's No One to Succeed You

Smart business leaders know they need to have someone in place who can sub in or replace them in case of emergency or opportunity. But sometimes it doesn't look like there's anyone who's appropriate or ready. Here are some things you can do.

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