Mack Kolarich


Mack Kolarich is the founder and chief product officer of Different, a platform that makes it easy to find, research and invest in venture capital funds.

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Starting a Business

Explore Startup Investing Beyond Silicon Valley

Be smart, and don't go solo.

Starting a Business

5 Types of Startup Investors To Avoid

These investor behaviors can permanently damage their startups

Buying / Investing in Business

7 Important Differences Between Angels and VCs You Need to Understand

Keep these seven differences in mind before targeting and pitching investors.

Buying / Investing in Business

6 Ways Angels and VCs Think Differently

The main difference between angels and VCs comes down to motivations.

Thought Leaders

17 Things You Need to Know Before Doing Business in Cuba

Cubans are resourceful and tech savvy but the island nation's infrastructure is lamentable and its government still controls the economy.

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