Maite Baron
Maite Barón is author of Corporate Escape: The Rise of the New Entrepreneur. She is CEO of The Corporate Escape, a London-based consultancy, training and coaching company specializing in helping professionals escape the rat race, rekindle their passion for life and reinvent themselves as new entrepreneurs.
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Profit's Not the Only Thing. Businesses Driven By Values Succeed in the Long Run.
What does a Japanese hotel founded in 705 have in common with today's Tesla Motors? Long-term core values.
8 Ways to Succeed as an Entrepreneur in the Third Industrial Revolution
Exactly what are you doing to prepare for the "Internet of Things"?
The Rise of the iPro: Entrepreneurs on the Go
More and more employees are finding there's life beyond the corporate door.
Age and Experience Don't Matter. Mindset Does.
With four generations soon to work under the same roof, conflict is expected. But we should remember to focus on the individual.
8 Mindset Shifts Needed to Go From Older Employee to 'Silverpreneur'
Stop holding yourself back by referring to what you used to do. Instead be open to embracing the new.
7 Ways to Unlock Your Company's Creative Juices
If entrepreneurial companies are to thrive, then creativity has to become a major component of their DNA.
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