Manish Vakil


Manish Vakil is the founder and CEO of Tumbles Kids’ Gyms, a successful U.S. and soon-to-be international franchise. Before becoming a franchisor himself, he was a multi-unit franchisee and area developer. He has more than 15 years of experience in franchise sales, operations, marketing, price negotiation, consulting, and accounting while working for companies such as Open Network Systems, ADP, Weichert, Eye Level Learning, and FasTracKids Programs. Vakil received his B.S. in finance from Rutgers University and also attended Stevens Institute of Technology.

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5 Essential Elements Franchisees Need to Know about Their Franchise Agreement

If you are thinking about buying a franchise, give your full attention to the legal contract that connects you to the brand.


5 elementos esenciales que los franquiciados deben saber sobre su contrato de franquicia

Si estás pensando en comprar una franquicia, presta toda tu atención al contrato legal que te conecta con la marca.


What People Don't Realize About the McDonald's Strikes

The minimum wage conversation is a lot more nuanced when franchisees are involved.


5 Essential Categories of Diversity All Successful Businesses Share

Business needs representation from various races, but diversity in industry goes much further.


5 categorías esenciales de diversidad que comparten todas las empresas exitosas

Las empresas necesitan representación de varias razas, pero la diversidad en la industria va mucho más allá.

Growing a Business

Tap into Little-Known Government Resources and Go Global

If you're looking to expand your business internationally, the first place to visit is the U.S. Commercial Service.

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