Marvin Dumont
Marvin Dumont is founder of Block Domains. He is former managing editor at American Express and Adecco. Marv holds MPA, BBA and BA degrees from UT Austin.
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Unemployed? Home-Based Selling Offers an Income Stream.
As more people are shopping online, more opportunities have arisen to make money working from home. Here's how.
¿Desempleados? La venta desde el hogar ofrece una fuente de ingresos.
A medida que más personas compran en línea, han surgido más oportunidades para ganar dinero trabajando desde casa. Así es cómo.
Here Are Real Estate's Winners and Losers In the New Normal
The recession and new health protocols are impacting tenants, landlords and developers.
There's a New Threat to Small Business: Water Scarcity
Operate a business in a drought zone? Unfortunately, the lack of water you face is out of your control. Here are some considerations.
The Real Risk of Entrepreneurial Strengths Becoming Addictive Weaknesses
The willfulness and comfort with risk that makes an entrepreneur bold in business can morph into recklessness when they enter a casino or a bar.
4 Ways to Bootstrap Your Way Through College
It's possible to graduate with little or no debt. Here's how.
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