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Business News

Atari Is Beta Testing a Speakerhat

Atari combined speakers, a hat and Bluetooth to create the Speakerhat!

Business News

Nintendo Switch Online App Launches

It's available now in the Android and iOS app stores, but don't expect it to do anything useful just yet. We need Splatoon 2 to launch for that to happen.

Business News

Elon Musk: Running U.S. on Solar Requires 100 Square Miles of Panels

He'd also need just one square mile of batteries.

Business News

Chinese Mall Introduces Husband Storage Pods

Why drag someone around a mall when you can leave them happily playing games while you buy stuff?

Business News

Vycle Replaces Lifts and Stairs With a Vertical Bike

It's basically a lift for one person that only requires leg power to operate. If you don't love it your fitness band certainly will!

Business News

Microsoft Wants to Get Rural America Online Using TV Signals

The goal is to get two million rural Americans connected from 12 different states over the next five years using white space broadband.