Melissa Dawn: Page 2


Melissa Dawn is a coach and founder of CEO of Your Life. As a life and business coach, she helps entrepreneurs build a business that fits their values and creates the lifestyle they crave. Her specialty is helping people transition out of their day jobs and into building businesses they are orgasmically joyful about.

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Latest: Page 2


6 Tips for Creating a Sexy Logo

Your logo is important. Don't let an "expert" talk you into something you don't feel "light" about.

Starting a Business

6 Tips to Successfully Transition From Your Day Job to Your Own Business

If you truly want to change your life by launching your own company, these six suggestions will put you on the path to success.


How to Take a Headshot That Reflects Your True Personal Brand

Entrepreneurs are their own brand and it makes sense to have your appearance reflect that.


Just Be Yourself on LinkedIn -- and Watch Business Boom. (Infographic)

Here's how I boldly put my unique business idea out there on the most professional of social networks and saw six figures in four months.


Internal Analysis Will Bring Out the Best in You -- and Your Business

Stop using the same old dry-as-toast techniques you learned in business school. Start working on you.