Michael Orlando
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3 Powerful Business Lessons I Learned from Competing in a Triathlon
Triathlons require you to do multiple activities back-to-back and pivot to something new without quitting -- much like your teams do every day at work. Here are some lessons I learned from competing in (and finishing) a triathlon.
Is Rebranding the Right Move for Your Company? Here's How I Knew It Was Time
Big changes are everywhere. Is it time for you to tackle a big change of your own?
Go Agile or Go Home: Why Agile Workflow Should Kill the Waterfall Process for Good
Agile workflow isn't just for product development anymore. Making your whole company agile will elevate the way you do business.
The Line Between Your Professional and Personal Lives Is Blurring — and That's a Good Thing
The rise of remote work has made it much harder to know how to keep good people. The secret to retention may be simpler than we realize.
La línea entre su vida profesional y personal se está desdibujando, y eso es algo bueno
El auge del trabajo remoto ha hecho que sea mucho más difícil saber cómo conservar a las buenas personas. El secreto de la retención puede ser más simple de lo que creemos.
This 3-Pronged Approach Will Help You Scale Your Business to New Heights
Scaling your business has to be done right, or it will create more problems than it solves.
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