Patrick Scherzinger


At only 16 years old, Patrick Scherzinger graduated high school with a European baccalaureate and founded Scherzinger Holding GmbH. Currently, he is pursuing his studies in Business Administration at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management with Deutsche Bank AG.

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Growing a Business

If You Are Not Over Delivering for Your Customers, You're Not Doing Enough

In today's hyper-competitive climate, there's no such thing as "just enough."

Business Plans

Why Entrepreneurs Shouldn't Invest in Stocks

Many may disagree, but I believe there's a good case to be made as to why – if you're an entrepreneur – you shouldn't invest in stocks.


Por qué los emprendedores no deberían invertir en acciones

Muchos pueden no estar de acuerdo, pero creo que hay un buen caso de por qué, si eres un empresario, no deberías invertir en acciones.

Thought Leaders

6 Things to Consider When Starting a Business as a Teenager

Businesses can provide you with a little extra cash, help you get through college or even become a full-time endeavor.

Iniciar un negocio

6 cosas a tener en cuenta al iniciar un negocio siendo adolescente

Las empresas pueden brindarle un poco de dinero extra, ayudarlo a terminar la universidad o incluso convertirse en un esfuerzo de tiempo completo.

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