Rebekah Epstein: Page 3
Rebekah Epstein is the founder of fifteen media, an agency that works exclusively with PR firms to streamline media relations in a digital era. She specializes in representing technology, health care, business and lifestyle companies.
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Latest: Page 3
The Buck Stops Here: How to Make Invoicing Less Excruciating
To take the sting out of the annoying task of invoicing, consider the tips.
4 Tips for Taking the Awkwardness Out of Networking
Networking can make people squirm. Here are four ways to make it less uncomfortable.
Charm Offensive: The Power of Being Nice
While running a startup can be a pressure cooker, entrepreneur Rebekah Epstein explains the importance of keeping cool and playing nice.
Be a Role Model, Not a Dictator
Entrepreneur Rebekah Epstein gives us the skinny on how to be a boss employees adore.