Richard Chaifetz

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Dr. Richard A. Chaifetz is the founder and chairman of ComPsych, the world’s largest provider of mental health services. He is also the chairman and managing partner of Chaifetz Group, a venture capital and private equity firm, and the owner of the St. Louis Shock of Major League Pickleball.

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Empecé mi negocio con $1,000 dólares — ahora vale miles de millones y sirve a más de 163 millones de personas. Estos 7 principios son el secreto para mi éxito

Así es como estos siete simples principios pueden ayudarte a construir el negocio de tus sueños.

Starting a Business

I Started My Business with $1,000 — It's Now Worth Billions and Serves Over 163 Million People. These 7 Principles Were My Secrets to Success.

How seven simple principles can you help you build the business of your dreams.

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