Dr. Sabrina Starling


Sabrina Starling, PhD, The Business Psychologist, is the bestselling author of How to Hire the Best and The 4 Week Vacation®. Founder of www.tapthepotential.com and host of the Profit by Design podcast, she and her team are on a mission to send 10,000 entrepreneurs on a 4 Week Vacation® in 10 years.

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Quiero tirar la toalla y cerrar mi negocio. Cómo saber si debo seguir adelante o dejarlo ir

El emprendimiento nos exige mucho. Priorizar nuestro autocuidado y buscar apoyo nos ayudará a tomar las mejores decisiones durante los momentos difíciles.

Growing a Business

I Want to Throw in the Towel and Quit My Business — Here's How to Know When to Stick With or Let Go of Your Business

Entrepreneurship demands a lot of us. Prioritizing our self-care and seeking support will help us make the best decisions during tough times.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

3 Tips to Hire Your Next A-Player

Learning how to hire A-players is a skill set that you can acquire. When you know how to attract and hire A-Players, it changes the trajectory of your business.

Money & Finance

Revenue is up 40%. Why Am I Still Laying Awake at Night Worrying About Cash Flow?

After many sleepless nights as an entrepreneur, peace of mind is priceless.

Thought Leaders

How to Thrive Through Adversity — A Roadmap for Entrepreneurial Resilience

What was once a weakness can become a strength.


Cómo encontrar el valor para apartarte de tu propio camino

Con el año nuevo sobre nosotros, ¿qué es hora de cambiar? ¿Qué impacto tendrá eso en ti y en tu negocio?

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