Saptak Bardhan: Page 6


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'Eccentric' Auto Enthusiast

The company is extending its presence to international markets and working on building the entire ecosystem making virtualization a reality for the industry


Greenifying Commercial Vehicles

Euler Motors is on a growth trajectory wherein the company is looking to expand its manufacturing capacity and deploy at scale across India

News and Trends

Kevin O'Leary Opens Up on Losses Incurred in the FTX Deal

The investor stated he was drawn to FTX's compliance systems which led him to invest in the crypto exchange


Expanding the Pet Kingdom

The company intends to enable pet parenting by bringing the best brands around the world at reasonable prices to pet parents across India while expanding its healthcare vertical with a focus on teleconsultation for both healthcare and training


The Future is Green and Electric: Naveen Munjal

In the current scenario, EVs comprise one to five percent of the total vehicles sold in the country. The growth will be massive and India will take a leap going from one to five per cent to 40 to 50 per cent in the next decade

News and Trends Collaborates with Coca-Cola to Launch NFTs Celebrating the FIFA World Cup

CRO token witnessed an uptick of 10 per cent. However, CRO remains approximately 50 per cent lower over the past month due to the FTX implosion