Scott Miker: Page 2


Scott Miker is the author of "You Can’t Surf from the Shore: An Introduction to the Systems and Habits Approach to Improvement" and writes a weekly blog on using systems at His career has focused on business operations and how to improve a business’s systems and processes to grow.

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Latest: Page 2

Estrategias de crecimiento

Un enfoque de cuatro pasos que hará que su negocio sea rentable

Para que esta estrategia funcione, necesita conocer los números detrás de su negocio.

Growing a Business

A Four-Step Approach That Will Make Your Business Profitable

To make this strategy work, you need to know the numbers behind your business.

Growing a Business

3 Reasons Entrepreneurs Struggle When Building Business Systems

The most optimal way to run a company is by focusing on business systems.

Estrategias de crecimiento

3 razones por las que los empresarios luchan cuando construyen sistemas de negocios

La forma más óptima de dirigir una empresa es centrándose en los sistemas de negocio.