Shannon Kaiser


Shannon Kaiser is the best-selling author of Find Your Happy, Find Your Happy Daily Mantras and Adventures for Your SoulShe appears regularly as an happiness expert on AM Northwest and Huff Post Live, and was named among the “Top 100 Women to Watch in Wellness” by the Mind Body Green. She's an author, international life coach, teacher, travel writer and inspirational speaker who left her job in advertising several years ago to follow her heart and become a writer. 

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Starting a Business

The Best 10 Life Lessons I Learned by Running My Own Business

Starting a business is almost worth it just for what it teaches you about life, and yourself.

Social Media

7 Empowering Entrepreneurs You Need to Follow on Instagram

Follow these seven entrepreneurs and add some inspiration to your life.

Making a Change

4 Simple Strategies to Turn Your Passion Into a Paycheck

You're only a few steps, and a lot of work, from earning a living doing what you love.


4 Insanely Awesome Opportunities to Work Remotely from Abroad

Want to co-work in Barcelona, Prague, Seoul, Bali? Companies are waiting to take you there.

Making a Change

5 Motivation Blocks Hurting Your Success, and How to Transform Them

Is your life's glass half empty, or half full?

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