Shlok Sharma

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Growth Strategies

AI and ML Products in Healthcare: Prospects and Obstacles

A prominent product manager who developed and launched, an ML-driven solution designed for the early diagnosis of lung cancer, Gleb Sinev shared his thoughts about AI brings to the sector and challenges that can slow down the progress

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Jacob Levinrad: The Millionaire High School Dropout

Levinrad's story is not just about financial gains. It's about defying expectations and paving new ways to success.

News and Trends

Novel Chemical Elements Are Shining The Way Forward As Global Solar Solutions

Solar energy has long been considered to be a sustainable energy source with the potential to replace conventional coal or fossil fuel but it has always been held back by its inefficacy.


Excellence in Innovation: How a Stevie Award Winner is Reshaping Customer Experience

Preethika Sathyamangalam Kalyanasundaram is tackling the challenges of enhancing the customer experience in the e-commerce domain by advancing e-commerce analytics, intelligence, and automation

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Best Payout Online Casinos in 2024: Canada's Highest Paying Casino Sites

Discover top-rated Canadian gambling sites offering high RTPs (return-to-player rates), fast withdrawals, and exceptional bonuses.

Business News

Heading Toward a Multichain World

Why the isolated blockchains of today need Reactive Network for a unified tomorrow

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