Steve VanderVeen
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7 Metaphors to Help Understand Being an Entrepreneur
It's tough explaining why you chose to be an entrepreneur over the many easier ways to make a living. Saying what it is like is often easier than saying what it is.
Are You a Management Consultant or an Entrepreneur?
This simple test may predict which way you are wired.
Does a College Diploma Make Someone Special?
Three questions you should ask a graduate to see if college truly paid off.
Wherever You Pitch Your Business, Remember, People Come First
Both entrepreneurs and competition judges focus too much on the product, forgetting that customers and staff are more important.
3 Things to Know to Lead from the Bottom
Before making a leap to a new company, figure out the workplace culture to know how best to have influence as a leader of change.
3 Ways to Keep College Entrepreneurs' Dreams Alive, Even After Graduation
With many students seeing their college careers end in a few short months, their safety net is also disappearing.
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