Travis Bradberry: Page 4


Dr. Travis Bradberry is the bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence Habits and a LinkedIn Top Voice with more than 2.5 million followers. His bestselling books have sold more than 3 million copies, are translated into 25 languages, and are available in more than 150 countries. Bradberry has written for, or been covered by, Newsweek, BusinessWeek, Fortune, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and the Harvard Business Review.

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13 Habits of Super Persuasive People

Some people have an uncanny ability to get you leaning toward their way of thinking.


12 Things Every 'Type A' Person Wants You To Know

Most think of Type A people as driven and highly strung and Type B people as carefree and even-keeled, but there's so much more to it.


10 Unmistakable Habits of Utterly Authentic People

To live authentically, you must own your actions and ensure that they align with your beliefs and needs.


10 Habits That Will Make You Much Happier

These strategies won't just improve your happiness at work -- they'll improve your emotional intelligence.


11 Secrets to Staying Productive and in Control

When it comes to productivity, the little things make all the difference. These 11 hacks will increase your productivity today.

Growing a Business

8 Habits of Wildly Successful People

Rather than an 'either/or' set of static characteristics, wildly successful people demonstrate both.