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Aggravating, Unruly -- and Essential Editor-in-chief Amy Cosper on mobility.

By Amy Cosper

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Amy C. CosperYes, it's temperamental, but you shouldn't smash your smartphone. Mobility has the potential to transform your business. Embrace it.

My iPhone is the boss of me. It's a tough thing to admit, because no one likes being controlled by a petulant child. But this beautiful, shiny, smart-mouthed device is in charge.

On most days I forgive the iPhone for its temper tantrums, because its power is awe-inspiring and its glorious apps make my life easier. The instant gratification it provides is unparalleled.

But on some days, the iPhone--well, it needs a good spanking.

The time it dropped a call during a critical discussion, proceeded to proudly take a picture of itself and shut down for a short nap? Forgiven. The embarrassing time its predictive spelling turned the name Topher into the word "toon"? Forgiven. Or the fateful day it erased itself and deleted all contacts, music and photos? Forgiven--but grudgingly, that time in particular.

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