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A Dream Come True The ins and outs of starting your own consulting service

By Nichole L. Torres

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Whether you've been laid off from your corporate job oryou're just ready to strike out on your own, you're notalone if you dream of starting a consulting business. To make thatdream a reality, Joseph Riggio, CEO and president of JS Riggio International Inc. inMahwah, New Jersey, has developed a program to help aspiringentrepreneurs launch consulting businesses.

First, says Riggio, pick a point of entry where you already haveexpertise and familiarity. What are you passionate about? "Themore specific, the better," he says. "Think about it asthough you're entering a funnel from the small end." Betightly focused and position yourself in that small area-youcan't be all things to all people. Use your specific expertiseto persuade your first few critical clients to take a risk on you;only then can you expand your horizons a bit.

Second, present benefits that are recognizable and tangible toyour potential clients. Whether you're a weight-loss consultantor a small-business consultant, make it personal. "If I cansay to [a client], 'I'm going to show you how to loseweight or how to stop smoking or how to make a milliondollars,' [the client] can understand that," saysRiggio.

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