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An Ounce Of Prevention The tax benefits of MSAs may boost your immunity against the health-care blues.

By Joan Szabo

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Roger Stewart is a true believer in medical savings accounts(MSAs). Stewart, who is president and partner at FJR Manufacturing,a small West Bend, Wisconsin, machinery manufacturer, was sufferingfrom health-care shock brought on by yearly insurance premiumhikes. In his search for an alternative way to pay for healthcoverage, Stewart discovered MSAs.

All the company's partners, as well as its 20 employees,have MSAs now. "I think they're the best thing since thewheel,' says Stewart. The company made the switch abouteight months ago, and Stewart says everyone is especially happywith the tax and savings benefits MSAs provide. The premiums FJRpays to the insurance companies for MSAs are less than what it paidfor traditional medical insurance, and Stewart believes hisemployees are getting more out of the plan.

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