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Big-Bang Theory Give your employees guns and turn 'em loose in the woods. Now there's a good idea!

By Nichole L. Torres

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Remember that old I Love Lucy episode where Lucy tries toconvince Ricky she's a big, tough hunter? Replace Lucy with agroup of businesspeople, and you've got the latest trendsweeping the business world. One New York hunting lodge touts duckand pheasant shoots for corporate clients; an Alabama retreatoffers deer hunting and the like for your team-building needs.

Apparently, golf vacations and group rock-climbing trips are forwusses-these days, you can't call yourself a force in businessunless you're wielding a shotgun. And if you discover that oneof your employees is queasy at the idea, send 'em to sometree-hugging camp for sissies-you need strength on your team! (Justbe sure to get out of the way when your newly empowered employeesstart aiming their loaded weapons.)

We're not card-carrying PETA members, but we think thehunting craze is just plain crazy. What's motivating thismadness? Could it be pent-up anger at the modern world? The need toescape the boredom of life behind a desk? Unresolved issues withthe bully that picked on you in the fifth grade? We're notsure, but we are sure about one thing: This is one trend we'regoing to sit out.

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