Home Economics 101 An education in finances—without spending a penny, or leaving your home.
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In matters of business, a lack of financial knowledge can runyou into the ground. So can too much information from too manydifferent sources. One of the best things about the Internet:It's now possible for anyone to get the equivalent of a degreein small-business management in their spare time.
Learn2.com is a Web site with more than 200 pay-per-viewturorials and 8,000 free tutorials, including a list of financialtopics for any homebased business owner/insomniac. Check out thissmorgasbord: Step-by-step instructions on a wide spectrum ofbusiness skills, activities and tasks; an extensive set ofdiscussion forums where you can find and share information onrunning a business; and hundreds of helpful tips. For example, arecent e-seminar featured everything start-up business owners needto know about the financial advantages and disadvantages whenselecting the right type of business entity.
Learn2.com has been ranked among the top learning destinationsfor several years, and in June 1999 was ranked among the 50 mostuseful Web sites by Yahoo! magazine. Learn2University and theconsumer-focused Tutorials.com can be accessed from http://www.learn2.com
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