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Soul Searching Looking for a better business? Start inside.

By Scott S. Smith

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

"The really successful entrepreneurs have learned to failwell." So says Carol Orsborn, author of the bestsellingInner Excellence at Work: The Path to Meaning, Spirit andSuccess (Amacom). And she should know: Orsborn has been there,and she has some messages for hardworking entrepreneurs.

Ask yourself these questions: Do you do everything yourselfbecause it's too much trouble to train others to do thingsright? Do you get anxious just hanging out with family or friendsbecause there's so much work to do? Are you burned out? Do youget high on the feeling of being in control? Are you terrified offailure? According to Orsborn, a yes to any of these questionsmeans you're headed for a crash. Just like she was a fewdecades ago.

In 1971, Orsborn and her husband started a public relationsagency that eventually became nationally known. They quicklylearned that they and their 21-member staff were working too hardto pay full attention to details. When they announced a morerelaxed approach, all but a few of their driven staff decided toleave, and the couple lost most of their 15 clients.

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