Creating a Professional Image Homebased entrepreneurs have a much tougher road to success than traditional business owners do.
Traditional storefronts or office-based businesses can promotethemselves by putting up a catchy sign, hanging a bright banner, oreven renting spotlights to criss-cross the night sky. You, however,can do none of these things. You will need to depend on youradvertising materials to inform your customers of your business.And because this contact may be the best and sometimes the onlyopportunity you have to introduce your business to potentialcustomers, you must be able to present your business in a dynamicand clear way, with a style and focus that make customers rememberyou and your business. One of the most powerful ways to create thispositive customer perception is by using a well-conceived name anda clean, dynamic logo; these two closely related elements of yourbusiness identity are crucial to the success of your business.
Excerpted from Starting a Home-based Business