Having A Life--And A Business If you do it right, you can still have a personal life along with a thriving company.
Do you have a life? You may quickly answer yes, but the truth isthat many entrepreneurs sacrifice their life for their business.And that is not a good thing.
As you start and grow your business, you may think it'simportant to join every group and organization that seemsrelevant--don't! Too much networking can leave you over-tired,unfocused and with no personal time.
The solution? You have to learn--and, yes, this is hard forstart-up entrepreneurs--when and what to say no to. Begin byidentifying the activities that will most benefit your business andthose that will advance your mission; then say no to all theothers.
The old adage was that the key to success was working long andhard. That's wrong. The true path to success is doing the rightthing at the right time. Try it--and then get a life!
Excerpted from Get Smart: 365 Tips To Boost YourEntrepreneurial IQ