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Just Bidding Around Online marketplace BizBuyer.com

By Paul DeCeglie

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

If time is money--or even if it's not--there's a newonline site that can save you both time and money. Designed forsmall and midsized businesses, BizBuyer.com particularly benefitsstart-ups. It reduces time spent sourcing business products andservices, enables you to become operational sooner, and helpsjump-start your business by providing an instant national marketfor your products or services.

In essence, BizBuyer.com is an online marketplace. Entrepreneursdescribe services or products they want to buy, and qualifiedvendors bid to fill those specific needs. In a matter of hours, youcan obtain competitive quotes from pre-screened sellers coast tocoast. In most cases, responses are limited to the first fivevendors who submit bids; however, you can resubmit your request toreceive additional bids. You can review all bids--both individuallyand in a side-by-side comparison table--and contact a vendor toclose or refine the deal. Until then, you remain totallyanonymous.

"Our ability to source multiple vendors at once--andfurnish the buyer with the most competitive bid within a fewhours--dramatically simplifies the way small businesses purchasegoods and services," says Bernard Louvat, 35-year-oldpresident, founder and CEO of the Santa Monica, California,company, which launched in June 1999.

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