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One Step At A Time Get down to business with our step-by-step guide to start-up.

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You yearn to start your own business, but the thought of doingso seems overwhelmingly difficult. Not anymore: We've brokenthe process down into 52 steps-one for each week of the year.Follow them, and at the end of the year, your business should be upand running.

That's our part of the deal. Now for yours: Get up an hourearlier. Stay up an hour later. Set aside two hours every Saturday.Do whatever you can to squeeze out a few hours each week to devoteto this step-by-step plan. Those few hours can make all thedifference to your future.

1. Get an idea. Assess your skills, interests andexperience. Is something missing in your town? What products orservices would make your life (and your friends', family'sand neighbors') easier?

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