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Said the Spider Learn sales from our eight-legged friend's greatest architectural accomplishment.

By Barry Farber

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the way your businesskeeps you spinning from one sale to the next? Do you ever wish fora simple, visual method of keeping track of all those strands?Perhaps you should take a lesson from the spider.

Spiders are brilliant engineers. After they eat bugs that getcaught in their webs, they return to the center of the web tosurvey the damage. If the web needs repairs, they quicklyreconstruct.

Now consider this: Your business is like the spider's web,and you can use that image to keep yourself focused and organized.Draw a web on a white board. The center represents your corebusiness, and each strand that emanates from that center representsa different client, project or area of your business. Each of thosestrands has other strands attached to it labeled with the names ofpeople involved in a project, or with the steps that have to betaken to complete the project.

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