Shop Around This technology can help you comparison shop for low fares.
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By now, you know that no single travel Web site always offersthe lowest prices. So each time you book a trip online, you feelyou have to check several sites to assure yourself you're notoverpaying.
Save time by using sites or software that employ"Web-scraping" technology to simultaneously searchmultiple sites and then present prices in easy-to-read charts,making comparison shopping a snap. is a free program that you download. Its search engineautomatically launches when you shop for air, hotel or car rentalfares, scouring multiple travel booking sites (including low-farecarriers that don't always appear on sites, like Expedia orOrbitz) for the lowest prices. While you can't book your tripdirectly with SideStep, it will provide a link to the page whereyour deal of choice is located.
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