Starting A Fad Business How to work the short-term concept.
Before you start a business, you have to look at what thepotential is, what your product or service is, and if there is alot of opportunity to make a good deal of money over the long run.Or is it a "hit-and-run" product, where you're goingto get in, make a lot of money, and then get out? That's notnecessarily a bad thing; fads have made some entrepreneursincredibly successful. But remember, once you're in business,one of the hardest things to do is to know when it's time toget out, to let go. And if you guess wrong, if you try to make aclassic out of a fad, you are going to start losing all the moneyyou have earned. And no one wants to do that.
Excerpted from Start Your Own Business: The Only Start-Up GuideYou'll Ever Need