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CIA Inc. Latest cover for the intelligence agency: business developer

By Cynthia E. Griffin

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Entrepreneurship probably isn't the first thing that comesto mind when you say "CIA." But that's about tochange, thanks to a new business initiative launched by theintelligence agency.

In-Q-It Inc. is a private, nonprofit corporation that will workwith private-sector companies and individuals to develop technologyto solve problems in four areas: Internet security and privacy,generic Internet and intranet security, sophisticated knowledgeengines (search engines), and the cataloging of disparate bits ofinformation (such as finger prints, photos and videos) into onesystem.

"This is a hybrid model: It can act like a virtualincubator or it can act like a venture fund--it can even facilitatestrategic alliances and joint ventures. It depends on what theentrepreneur needs," explains Gilman G. Louie, president andCEO of the new company.

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