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Savings Plan 100 ways to save your business thousands of dollars

By Guen Sublette

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

In a volatile economy, on a shoestring budget (and whatentrepreneur isn't?), it really pays to scrimp and save. Justin case you've forgotten the value of a hard-earned penny,we've come up with a slew of money-saving ideas to boost yourbusiness's bottom line-from joining a prepaid legal plan orlogging on to the Net to auditing your commercial lease and evenunplugging your coffee maker. Though some tips will save you moremoney than others, the end result of your overall spendthriftstrategy could add up to a bundle.


1. Piggyback your advertising. Including advertisingmaterial in other mailings, such as in invoices, saves postage andother costs, says J. Donald Weinrauch, co-author of The FrugalMarketer (Amacom). Likewise, make the most of yourpoint-of-purchase opportunities by tucking coupons, newsletters orother promotional fliers in the bag with customers'purchases.

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