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The Lemonade Stand The Lemonade Stand: A Guide to Encouraging the Entrepreneur in Your Child

By Debra Phillips

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Reading, writing, arithmetic . . . and entrepreneurship? Provingthat youth isn't always wasted on the young, author EmmanuelModu examines the factors that prompt children to start their ownbusinesses in The Lemonade Stand: A Guide to Encouraging theEntrepreneur in Your Child (Gateway Publishers, $19.95 paper).

"While there are no reliable figures on the number ofpreteen and teenage entrepreneurs in the United States, allevidence indicates that an increasing number of young people areshowing great interest in starting and running their ownbusinesses," Modu writes.

He isn't kidding. In The Lemonade Stand, Modu tells of onetycoon-in-the-making who, by the age of 14, had launched threedifferent businesses. We also read about young entrepreneurs whohave started everything from a poultry farm to a baseball carddealership. So much for lemonade stands!

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