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The Power Of The Dollar Turning discount into profit

By P. Kelly Smith

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You've probably experienced the thrill of shopping at dollarstores, but did you know you could own one? Dollar stores are morethan just bargain shoppers utopias; they're alsoentrepreneurial opportunities, thanks to franchises like DollarDiscount Stores of America Inc., the fastest-growing franchisedchain of dollar stores in the nation, with sales of $2.4 million,via 122 locations in 28 states.

Dollar Discount Stores of America was founded in 1982 and beganfranchising in 1987. Most stores are located in high-traffic stripmalls, small plazas and other locations near high-volume stores.With middle-class America as its target market, chair and CEO PaulCohen says that they're the equivalent of the five-and-dimes ofyears past. Typically, stores do best in areas where theold-fashioned quest for a good bargain is still strong. "Ourbiggest success has been in rural America," Cohen pointsout.

Dollar Discount Stores sell everything from household items,snack foods, and toys, to seasonal decorations and greeting cards.If selling these kinds of goods at discount prices sounds appealingto you, start-up costs for new franchisees usually run between$99,000 to $160,000, with most stores averaging anywhere from 2,500to 3,500 square feet.

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