Tips for Effective Cold Calls How to make it as painless as possible
Before you make that next call, try these tips:
- Instead of saying "me" and "my company,"use words like "you" and "yours." This letsprospects know you're interested in their needs, not justmaking a sale.
- Practice, practice, practice. To hear how you really sound--andto monitor your use of annoying or distracting phrases--use a taperecorder.
- If you tend to ramble, use a timer. This helps keep you ontrack and enables you to cover the salient points and not lose yourprospect's attention.
- To remind you to smile while you talk, put a mirror next to thephone. Speak in a natural tone, and make sure your enthusiasm foryour product or service comes through the phone line.
Excerpted fromGet Smart: 365 Tips To Boost YourEntrepreneurial IQ