How You Can Get More Retweets on Twitter (Infographic) You've built a following, but are your fans relaying your message? Here are some tips that can help.
By Kevin Allen
This story originally appeared on PR Daily
Every brand with a Twitter account wants retweets. And all Twitter users--whether they'll admit it or not--also really want retweets. But how do you get the masses to press that magical "retweet" button?
First of all, there's a sweet spot for the amount of characters your tweet should have--anywhere from 70 to 100.
#insert RSS here#
You should also include a link and a relevant hashtag, as those tend to get more retweets.
If you're blatant about soliciting retweets, you'll be happy to know that the phrase "please retweet" has a 51 percent retweet rate. But nobody's that desperate. Are they?
For more on how to get retweets, check out the infographic "The Art of Getting Retweets" below.