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Imagine That! You, too, can be a creative genius.

By Karen Axelton

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Do you need ideas for a new business or ideas to make yourexisting business better? Michael Michalko can help. In CrackingCreativity:The Secrets of Creative Geniuses (Ten SpeedPress, $24.95, 800-841-2665), due out this year, Michalko revealsthe secrets of creative geniuses like Edison, Mozart andEinstein.

Business Start-Ups: What barriers keep us frombeing creative?

Michael Michalko: As soon as we're educated, wedevelop patterns of thinking. When facing a problem, we apply pastexperience. Say you want to start a new business. You think"What have I been taught, in life, school or experience, aboutstarting a new business?" That's reproductivethinking; it will lead you to the same old ideas you alwaysget.

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