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Out With The Old Ready to give your first computer the boot? Check out the latest options for homebased businesses.

By Heather Page

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Time isn't something most homebased business owners canafford to waste. Just ask Gilda Krywosa, owner of Gilda'sAccounting & Tax Services in Boonville, New York. Like mosthomebased business owners, handling all the administrative,marketing and advertising duties, as well as servicing her clients,leaves Krywosa little time for much else. That's why theexcruciating delay she experienced when printing or tabulating taxreturns on her computer just wouldn't do, particularly duringthe tax season.

"I don't like wasting time waiting for things to printor for numbers to total," says Krywosa, who opened her tax andaccounting business last January in the corner of a renovated barnon her rural property. "I needed more memory, more speed and amore powerful computer to operate the [tax] programs [needed] torun my business."

Whether you're like Krywosa and aren't satisfied withyour computer system's performance, you've hired a secondemployee who needs a computer, or you've glimpsed the latesthardware and are itching to buy, there comes a time when yououtgrow your first PC. That's especially true for homebasedbusiness owners who share their multimedia home PCs with thefamily, usually because they can't justify purchasing a machinejust for business. But all it takes is having files accidentallyzapped by your 7-year-old or letting work suffer while the kids usethe computer to do their homework to realize it's time topurchase another computer.

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