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MarketBeat Podcast: Profit From Diversifying Trading Strategies This week, Kate sits down with Jason Brown of The Brown Report. Jason is an expert stock-and-options trading coach, and he shares his thoughts on what is driving the market...

By MarketBeat Staff

This story originally appeared on MarketBeat - MarketBeat

This week on The MarketBeat Podcast, Kate sits down with Jason Brown of The Brown Report. Jason is an expert stock-and-options trading coach, and he shares his thoughts on what is driving the market now, and how listeners can approach their investing and trading decisions.
Companies that profited from the stay-at-home play pulled forward 10 years of revenue and earnings in one year.
How does that bode for these companies now?
How will rising costs factor into companies' earnings?
How can you use a call option strategy - along with puts - to express a bullish investment thesis?
How Jason uses charts to determine whether a stock is getting technical support and may be a buy
Should you trade and invest differently? How do fundamentals factor in? How should pending news affect your strategy?
How should you treat earnings reports if you own a stock?
How Jason uses put options as insurance when he owns a stock
How can short-term trading affect your financial position. Jason gives us a specific example of how a trade allowed
him to pay off a house
When Jason takes a calculated risk to hold a trade through earnings
How Jason diversifies by strategy, not necessarily by sector and industry
How can you factor the times you're wrong into your investing and trading strategies?
Stocks mentioned in this episode
Microsoft (MSFT)
Apple (AAPL)
Docusign (DOCU)
Where to find Jason:
Instagram: BrownReport
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